The Cross is Victory

Some people and some
religions mock Jesus’
ordeal on the cross

as a defeat where
he couldn’t save himself.

Even during the ordeal,
some people sneered
saying Jesus was a savior
who couldn’t even
save himself.

The people stood watching,
and the rulers even
sneered at him.
They said, “He saved others;

let him save himself
if he is God’s Messiah,
the Chosen One.”

The soldiers also came up
and mocked him.
They offered him
wine vinegar and said,
“If you are the king of the Jews,
save yourself.”

When it came to a fight,
they only knew about
physical fights
and not about spiritual
fights between good and evil.

That is why they thought
Jesus’ ordeal was a defeat.

If you look at it
as a spiritual fight,

Jesus’ ordeal was
a clearly visible victory
that defeated the devil.

The ordeals before
Jesus was hung on the cross –
being slapped, being spat at,
having his clothes taken
and being dragged –
were victories against
the devil’s attack to prevent
Jesus from achieving
the commandments in Mark 5.

“If anyone slaps you
on the right cheek,
turn to them the other cheek also.
And if anyone wants to sue you
and take your shirt,
hand over your coat as well.
If anyone forces you
to go one mile,
go with them two miles.”

The ordeal on the cross
was a victory that defeated
the devil’s final attack
and achieved the final

When he had received the drink,
Jesus said, “It is finished.”
With that, he bowed his head
and gave up his spirit.

Therefore, Jesus’ ordeal
wasn’t a defeat,
but a victory.

And having disarmed
the powers and authorities,
he made
a public spectacle of them,
triumphing over them by the cross.

Saving people by being
hung on a cross
seems a bit stubborn

because people only know
about physical power
and fights and not about
spiritual power and fights.

They don’t see that
Jesus’ ordeal on the cross
was a victory against
the devil and the power
of God.

For the message of the cross
is foolishness
to those who are perishing,
but to us who are being saved
it is the power of God.

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