The Equation for Receiving Good Things from God

A thick branch has to let
the sap it received
from the roots flow
to the thin branches.

That makes the thick branch
thicker and allows it
to survive with the thin branches.

That is the equation for receiving
good things from God.

“Give, and it will be
given to you.
A good measure, pressed down,
shaken together and running over,
will be poured into your lap.”

If a thick branch keeps
all the sap for itself
to become thicker
and doesn’t let the sap
flow to the thin branches,

you might think the branch
will grow thicker, but it won’t.
It will stop growing
and it will become alone.

If you try to keep things
and hold on to them,
it might seem like
it would be more abundant,

but you won’t be able to have
more and you will be alone.

Yet, people keep trying
to have more.

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