Not Everything that is Pleasing is Right and Beneficial

Just because
something is pleasing
doesn’t mean that it is right.

What is more important
than pleasure is
what is right.

Some things might be
pleasing, but not right.
Some things might
not be pleasing, but right.

Being intoxicated
might be pleasing,
but it isn’t right.

Sacrifice for love isn’t pleasing
and can be painful,
but it is right.

Something can be pleasing
but it doesn’t mean
it is beneficial.

Many people think that
giving up pleasure is a huge loss.

True loss
isn’t giving up pleasure,
but giving up what is right.
If you think
giving up pleasure is
a greater loss than
giving up what is right,

you will surely do something
for pleasure that isn’t right and
that will ruin the state
of your body and mind.

If you gamble for pleasure,
you will ruin your family

and if you seek
a good time for pleasure,
you will ruin your life.

and if you seek
a good time for pleasure,
you will ruin your life.

He gave up a lifetime of
pleasure in Egypt.
He died after hard work and
suffering in the plain.

He knew that working for God
was much more valuable than
all the treasures of Egypt.

He chose to be mistreated
along with the people of God
rather than to enjoy
the pleasures of sin
for a short time.

He regarded
disgrace for the sake of Christ
as of greater value
than the treasures of Egypt,
because he was looking ahead
to his reward.“

Unlike Moses,
there are many Christians
who only seek
the pleasures of life
missing all the eternal treasures.

Are you good at
calculating profits and losses
like Moses?

Or are you losing
all the eternal treasures
just by seeking
pleasure in life?

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